La boutique

How to maintain your leather equipment ?

Publié le 22 mars 2023 par

In order to preserve your bridle over time, it is essential to take care of it. ✨ The life of leather is extended if it is well cared for with quality products and stored in a dry place.


Here’s our great action plan for impeccable leather:


1️⃣ As a first step, we advise you to oil your new bridles before their first use to soften and waterproof the leather.


2️⃣ Thereafter, we advise you to regularly clean your leathers with a glycerine soap and a damp sponge, up to about once every 1/2 week. You can wipe off the excess with a dry cloth.


3️⃣ Maintain your bridle with a nourishing care, likewise, once every 1/2 week or so. Using a dry cloth, apply a thin layer of care and wipe off the excess. Like glycerine soap, care products can be in different forms: a liquid spray, a balm, a lotion etc…

A nourished leather keeps its shine and suppleness for the great pleasure of your horse and its comfort.


4️⃣ One oiling per year is necessary, to be repeated if your leather is not soft enough!



The frequency of cleaning your leathers depends on your uses. For example, a professional rider using his bridle several times a day does not have the same cleaning frequency as an amateur rider using his bridle once a day 😊



And now, let’s clean !

Ca devrait vous plaire

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